Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 5-Sometimes a Walk is Just a Walk

Sometimes we walk to raise our heart rates and get that cardio exercise in. Sometimes we walk to get from Point A to Point B. Sometimes we walk to clear our heads. Sometimes we walk to spend time with someone we love, and other times we walk to get away from someone we don't. Sometimes we walk to get ideas, and sometimes we walk to mull them over.

And sometimes, a walk is just a walk. Today as I walked, thoughts popped up into my head and dropped out as quickly as Pez Candy in an open dispenser. I had not intention for my walk, other than to do it, and my mind followed suit. It was like I had Transient Global Amnesia--I'd see a dandelion and think Huh, a dandelion and before you know it, it was gone and my noggin was as empty as a dry kettle.

Nothing productive happened, no ideas for novels popped into my head, no schedule snafus were worked out. I just walked, and came home feeling cleansed and whole and clear and ready.
I hope your walk is good for you today,


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