Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 43-Melt my cares away...

 Blossom, smile some sunshine down my way
Lately, I've been lonesome
Blossom, it's been much too long a day
Seems my dreams have frozen
Melt my cares away
Send the sunshine down my way whenever you call my name
-James Taylor

Think back to when you were 8 years old, and it was the beginning of summer. Every day held possibility, promise and potential. 
Remember that? Take as long as you need to remember that feeling and memory. 

Now, go out into the sun---even if you're inside, move to a window so that the sun can shine onto your face. When the rays touch your face, close your eyes, relax your shoulders, and access that feeling.
Possibility, promise, potential. 

When did you lose that feeling? 

And don't you deserve to feel that everyday? Don't write it off to adulthood, jobs, or responsibility. You deserve that feeling, that belief every single day, rain or shine. 

Because that's what it's all about, right? The possibility of what can be. 

See you later, Sunshine, 

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