Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 259- Can I get an "Amen!"?

Sometimes when I walk, my brain whirs along and groovy thoughts pop in and out. Other times, it's as empty as an Arby's and there are no thoughts. During those times, I tend to focus in on my body and really pay attention to alignment, how it feels, etc. 

I need to share something with you. Since last May, when I began following Katy Bowman's teaching and studying at the Restorative Exercise Institute, AND began walking every day, I've lost some things. 

I've lost:
  • knee pain
  • foot pain/plantar fasciitis
  • neck pain
  • shoulder pain
  • back pain
  • varicose vein pain
Impressed? Me, too. You might want to know, though, that I am not a special person, nothing exceptional about my abilities. I do not spend HOURS a day working on this stuff. In fact, I'm one of the busiest people I know. I don't have hours to spend on it. What this should tell you is that this stuff works, and that anyone can do it. 

If, in your head, you are right now telling yourself some silly excuse as to why you cannot do it, well, pretend I'm slapping you with a wet fish, 'cuz that's what I would do if you were next to me right now. 
image by gatheringmagic.com

I'm a real hard-ass when it comes to the "yeah, buts". I don't tolerate them. If I did, well, then I'd still be wallowing in that above bullet-point list of pain, and whose fault would that be?

Follow me, 


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