Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 149-Practice Makes You Better

The above was posted on Facebook this morning by a fellow student at the Restorative Exercise Institute, and I wanted to share it with you. 

The two women are not in the shape they're in as a result of how much calcium they consumed in their lifetime. I've already cried "B.S.!" on that one and explained what a bunch of phooey it is to you on Day 85, so you can either revisit that one now, or wait for another day when I'll probably school you again on osteoblasts and proper bone loading.

No, the people in the above pictures are where they are as a result of daily practice. Allow me to elaborate a schtickel. 

Do you walk every day? No? Then you practice Not Walking. That is your practice. 

Do you do yoga? Then your daily practice is Not Doing Yoga. Drink enough water? Then you practice Not Drinking Enough Water.  

Come home every night, kick off your shoes and plop in front of the telly?
That's your daily practice. Wear terrible shoes that throw your body into contortions? That's your practice. 

Whether or not it is healthy, you are ALWAYS practicing SOMETHING. Look at your practices. Where will they put you? Will you be the person on the left, or the one on the right?

Remember Day 78? Practice makes you better.

Get to where you want to be through your daily practices, but first, decide on the destination. Then practice accordingly.  

Practicing glute release daily, 


1 comment:

  1. I have been practicing relaxed buns, but finding it ever so hard to let go of my stomach - years of holding it makes it hard to let those muscles go - especially now that I am carrying an obscene amount of extra baggage there at the moment. But I am practicing, thank you very much :)
