Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 176-I'm Singin' in the Rain...oh, just singin'!

I did not do my early morning walk this day. Instead I woke up, grabbed a cup of java and glued my eyeballs to the IntraWebs for more election results and to watch speeches that I could not enjoy last night due to my goal of getting enough sleep and retiring early. 

I went to bed happy, though. 

And I woke up happy. Actually, I almost always go to bed and wake up happy, but this time, it was special. 

After an early meeting, my walk today was conducted in Winslow, the little burg on the island where I live. It was sunny, people were smiling at each other on the street and I felt like I was in a Frank Capra movie. I might've been skipping part of the time.

In fact, if I could've, I would've done this: 

Or this!

A beautiful day, full of promise and sunshine! 

Keep moving forward, 


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