Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 188- Like Water for Chocolate. If it was Raining Chocolate.

Oh, man!

Raining chocolate would be way better! 

Pouring rain pounded me on the walk this morning. At one point, I'm sure one of the dogs turned to me with a disdainful look and said, "Really?!"

However, I hold a theory that anyone can live through anything for five minutes. Water boarding, corporate meetings, teeth cleanings...the power of our mind can get us through at least five minutes without collapsing completely. 

What I do when faced with seemingly poopy situations, is break it all down into 5-minute segments. 

See, all I have to do is survive 5 minutes at a time, and eventually, I'll be through it with my sanity and health intact. Today, I played make-believe in five minute segments. So, I was:




See? Now that wasn't so bad at all!

Enjoy the day, 

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