Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 293- Konichiwa!

Art by the incredible Scott Painter

Today I'm participating in something that has been a fairly large part of my life for 3 months every year, and this year marks my last time doing it. 

It's a month-long cultural study at my kids' school, and this year, we're studying Japan. It takes 2 months of prep ahead of time, and now we're rolling into the opening ceremonies today. It's sort of a big deal at this school, and often as much fun for the parents as the kids.

It'll be sad and sweet, and I love the people that have been doing it with me these past three years. I'll certainly be able to look back at it with some pride in my accomplishments. 

It's funny, as you get ready to leave a place where you've been for awhile. You start to look at what sort of impact you made. At least, I am. Living here on Bainbridge Island has been the longest run in one place in my gypsy life. It's been an interesting process to extract myself from my heavy community involvement, and see the tracks I'm leaving behind. 

It also makes me wonder, will I want to be so involved in my next community, or shall I step back and dig fewer wells, but dig them deeper? 

These are choices we can make, instead of letting them roll over us. It's exciting, don't you think? Endings and beginnings?



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