Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 318-Yoo are doing it WRONG!

Today it's oral surgery day--woot!-- but I had time for a quick walking lesson.

Here's how it went:

Me: Dum-de-dum, right, left, smooth, smooth, no bouncy, no bouncy, dum-de-dum, right, left, smooth,oh, hey! listen to the frogs, they're croaking and it's sweet and boy, does it smell nice out here, I sure love spring-

My Instructor: Nein, nein, NEIN! Yoo are not valking zee right vay! Yoo are BOUNCING! Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy! Are vee playing zee kangaROO game? Jah?! Pay attenSHUN! Yoo are DOING IT WRONG!

Me: Ack! Sorry, sorry, sorry, um, sorry! Uh, lessee, right, left, uh, smooth, smooth, sigh...

Yes, I know my instructor sounds like a crazed German. I can make fun since I am German and lived amongst them. 

They are not all that crazed. But, some are. 

Says the woman who has her own crazed German instructor in her head. 

My point?

It's hard work to change our habits, Bunny. 

It takes time, perseverance, forgiveness and humility. 

Some of which we could all have in greater supply.

Auf wiedersehen, 




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