Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 89-Constant Companions

Today was a real treat of a walk. I didn't take an alternative route--in fact, I took my I've-only-got-30-minutes-and-this-works-enough-walk. 

Nope, it was a treat because I slipped out of bed early, and no other dog even roused, save for my buddy LaRue. 

LaRue is a standard poodle, but he's more than that. He's the best dog I've ever had in my life. Trusty, loyal, funny, loving, intuitive, wicked smart, protective, mellow, adoring, clever, rugged, warm and handsome. 

Wow, he sounds a lot like my husband. I guess I just know how to pick 'em. 

Anyway, LaRue is also a dog that is constantly by my side. I think it might be a Poodle thing, because a fellow long-time poodle owner once said to me, "I think every single Standard Poodle could be aptly named 'Shadow' ".

Well, if LaRue is any indication, he was correct. Whether I'm writing, pooping, sitting, watching, showering, walking, cooking, reading, sleeping, weeding or breathing, LaRue is always there. He is by my side. 

Today, when I pulled on my smelly walking clothes (yeah, I stink it up proper. What of it?) and my rapidly wearing out Monkey Toe Shoes, the other dogs were too worn out from their adventures yesterday with The Huz and The Kidlets. 

But LaRue padded down the stairs beside me, gazing up at me with his amber eyes and saying, "Okay, I'm game."

So I left the leash, and we took off freestyle, just me and him. It was nice. 

He trotted along by my side, mellow and sweet, as close as he always does, no leash to tether him to me. What a guy. My constant companion. 

Walking is also a good constant companion. It's always there, it makes you feel good, and you can count on it. 

Some people have pain as their constant companion, and that makes me sad. It's one of my occupations and avocations to teach people to free themselves from their pain. That's not a good constant companion. 

But walking is. It can replace pain as a companion. Good trade.

Good dog. 

Enjoy your Sunday, 

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