Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 120-Dem Bones

Today's walk was the shortest walk I've taken in 120 days. 

And I don't feel bad about it at all. I'm feeling prudent. If that's a way to feel. 

I did something funky to my left leg/left foot Sunday, while we were camping, but I'm not really sure what that was. I just know now that I have a slight, occasional, throbbing pain on the top of my left foot. 

I remember carelessly twisting my knee at one point while I was getting firewood, and I also remember that getting out of our weird tent configuration was like crawling back out of a can of tuna into which someone had shoved you. Biomechanically awkward and wrong. 

Now I've got this mystery pain, and I don't want it to become a big mystery pain. So I took a short walk so as not to put any strain on whatever is needing help in my body. You may remember that I am not a subscriber to the "Pain is Weakness Leaving Your Body" horsesh*t. 

I walked slowly, with intention. Tuning in to the mechanics of my gait, the way my foot rolls inward and my heel connects with the ground. And then, my knee, my recently tight thigh muscles, my hips--these are all things that matter, and that can affect a body part several feet away. 

It's verdad!

The hip bone is really connected to the ankle bone!

And if you've got muscles that are too tight, they will pull that hip bone out of whack, which will then yank that knee bone out of alignment, in turn throwing that ankle bone for a loop, and...well, you see my point? The biomechanics of your body are well-designed, and need to be in alignment to keep you pain-free and moving well. 

I'm going to spend the next few days playing Body Detective--paying very close attention to muscle tension, alignment and mechanics--in an effort to diagnose the problem and then solve it. I come from a long line of folks who seem to adore trying to overpower body pain, only to lose in the end. Every time.

Time to break the cycle, and listen to the shout-out. 

After a while, Crocodile, 

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