Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 121-Your First Assignment

We're 1/3 of the way through our walking year, and I'm assigning your first textbook. 

This book should be required reading for anybody who has a brain in their skull. It is for business folk, breathing folk, teachers, people who care for children, athletes, people with blood in their veins, coaches, people with skin, janitors, writers, train engineers and lion tamers. 

It is one of the most eye-opening, revolutionary yet commonsense and absolutely life-changing books I have ever read, and I am still grateful to The Huz for pushing "Buy Book" on his Kindle and then trading with me so he could read the latest Hangman's Daughter novel that resides on my Kindle. I got his Kindle for 2 weeks and his books, and I was hooked from the first page. 

What is this book, you ask impatiently?

What can I say about this book? 

After the first chapter, it changed the way I will forever see the world and myself, for the better. If that doesn't make you want to buy and read it RIGHT NOW then you are one tough customer, but then that also means you really need to read it.   

If I was a billionaire ogre, I would buy everyone in the world their own copy, then using my ogre-ness, I would sit them down with my giant ogre paws and make them stay in one place until they read the book. 

Why, oh why wasn't I born a billionaire ogre??

Please. If you value yourself. Your kids. Your loved ones. Get your hands on this book, read it, and apply the incredibly sensible and simple mindset Dr. Dweck teaches us about. 

I've read a lot of navel-gazing books, self-improvement tomes and the like. This is the only self-improvement book anyone need ever read, as it covers everything you will ever need to know. 

How's THAT for a preposterous claim?? Don't believe me? Good! Go get your copy and read it for yourself. 

I'd love to discuss it with you when you do. 

Yours in Growth MindSet, 


  1. Thanks Dani,
    Got the book and in the process of reading it, so far so good!

  2. Wow. Your conviction sure convinced me. Off to click 'buy now and send to kindle'.
