Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 122-Shiny, spinning people holding hands...

I like hula hoops. Well, I like to hula hoop and I like to teach people to hoop and sometimes I sell folks hoops that I make. 

They are snazzy, and after my early morning walk today I packed up a whole slew of 'em while the sun was still hiding and trucked them on top of my car, Scoobaroo, to Seattle where I set up camp and sold some to some fine Starbucks corporate folk. 

I sell hoops to all sorts of people. 

Once I sold a hoop to a prison guard who wanted to hoop at work to cheer herself up. I imagine her hot-pink-and-silver hoop bumping on her round fanny made the no-goodniks want to reach through the bars and just eat her up. I hope they didn't. She was nice.

When I teach someone to hoop who said five minutes before, "Oh, I could never hoop. No can do!", it makes my day. I can teach anybody, anywhere to hoop. 

It's one of my special skills. You can't hula hoop and be in a pissy mood, and by teaching someone the goodness of the hoop, I'm really giving them a simple way to avoid feeling rotten or blue. 

Like walking...only with spinning, shiny things. 





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