Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 202-The best laid plans of mice and men...

I'm a planner. 

Here's what a day in my Daytimer (or as I like to call it, "my paper brain") looks like:

Fortunately for me, I'm also flexible, so if things do not go as planned, I'm okay with that. I'm good at rolling with it. 

Except for exercise. I notice that if I plan to exercise a certain amount of time then end up not having that time, I just skip it all together. 

For example, I may want to go to a yoga class at 9 AM but am running late, so I skip that class. That's just being polite, right? I don't want to go in late and disturb everybody's groove. 

But then, instead of doing something else healthy and/or fitness-related in that remaining time I had set aside for yoga, I do something completely different. 

Hmmm. What's up with that?

Today I wanted to walk 2 miles, but as the morning slipped through my fingers, I had to face the fact that 2 miles wasn't going to happen. I only had enough time for a one-mile jaunt. 

But, but...

I found myself procrastinating, doing other tasks around the house. Why? 

I think it's that "don't do anything half-assed" mindset I've got. Which is a good outlook, in my opinion.

If I can't walk those planned 2 miles, then I won't do it all!

Nope. It shouldn't apply to movement and exercise. 5 minutes is better than ZERO minutes when it comes to movement. We sit on our arses all day long, so it stands to reason that a few minutes of movement will help more than continuing to be inactive. 

So, I'm giving you permission to exercise and move no matter WHAT! 

Late for yoga class? No worries, just put on your headphones and walk. When you run into Lakshmi tomorrow, and she mentions your absence, you can say you just decided to go for a walk instead. Can't leave your desk for your planned hour at the gym during lunch? It's okay. Just spend ten minutes climbing the stairwell and perhaps stand at your desk for part of the day. 

Something is better than nothing. Nothing gets you nowhere. But something? Well, that's something. Whatever you make it. 

Ciao, Baby, 

P.S. I am not sick. So far during WalkTheYear, if I feel something coming on, it goes away within 12 hours. Think I might be on to something? Cold and flu season is coming up, and I've got 2 little kids, so I'll let you know. 

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