Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 205-Yay, Continence!!

I had a hilarious dream last night, in which I was somehow a contestant in a Walking Race. This was not a race-walking race, it was just a Walking Race. There was one silly portion with roller skates and a stone bench, but other than that, it seemed pretty straight forward. Walk, and beat the other people to the finish line.

While we were standing at the starting line, waiting and getting instructions, I realized I HAD to go to the bathroom. I didn't want to leave my place in line, but I also didn't want to hold it through the whole race and possibly pee my pants. So, I asked if I could go and they let me. I walked (not ran!) to the restroom, got into a stall and peed to my heart's content. 

Now, who has ever wet the bed in a dream? I did, once in 6th grade. In that dream, I was running track (!) and ran straight into the bathroom, relieved myself and woke up in an embarassing puddle of wee. 

It was weird and I was ashamed, but I think it's fairly normal for younger folks. 

So, last night in the dream, I only peed in my dream. I wanted to go Number 2, as well, but I heard the race starting so I had to cut it short. 

And that leads us to today's message:

Thank Goodness for Continence!

That's right. My system stopped me from waking up in a puddle and pile, respectively. My pelvic floor has been slowly aligning, gaining strength and functionality by working toward proper alignment. 

It's a long explanation, but just know that sitting all day and poor posture/alignment will weaken your pelvic floor and Kegels won't help. At all. They'll make it worse. For a better, thorough explanation of why, I'll leave that to the expert, Katy Bowman. Here's a great blogpost on WHY they don't work:

No Mo' Kegels

In the interim, until you have time to work with me or another Restorative Exercise fanatic on your pelvic floor, WALK. That's right. 

Walk. Aligned.  

When you are walking and standing aligned, your structure is properly loaded, making your muscles work toward the proper lengths for optimum functionality. This includes your pelvic floor muscles. 

Also, squatting while defecating (yes, I did just say that) will help restore continence in both your pee-ways and your poop shoot. 

Sound good? Get a Squatty Potty. We are loving ours, and you get over yourself real quick like once you feel the benefits. Want to talk alignment. Your alignment? Holla!

Not a Bed Wetter nor Pants Wetter Be, 


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