Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 217-Signs, signs, everywhere signs

Do you believe in signs?

I do. 

Not the kooky kind, like when your alphabet soup tells you to buy new pants or like the time an acquaintance thought that the number 3 that she saw on a license plate meant that she should attempt to stalk this fella a third time with seriously unrequited feelings...

Now, that's kooky. 

I mean the signs that point you in directions you need to be in, or reaffirm the path you are taking. Or give you little wake-up calls.

For instance, isn't it a little odd that I met with that healer who told me I needed to connect with my core/gut and then a few days later, I'm completely focused on the health of my gut because I decimated it with those antibiotics?

Is that kooky? Or the universe's way of saying "Hey, Dummy, pay attention!"

Regardless, I'm feeling a little better. I willingly went out for a walk in the cold this morning, even though I'll be walking most of the day. I will continue to feel my belly as I walk and move and feed myself things to restore my Gut Garden.

Ciao Bella,

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