Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 203-I'm sorry, did you just say WHAT?

Okay, I walked today, it was cold, lovely, had an Americano and my husband with me. That was the walking part of the day. Walk, walk, walk. 

Now for something that is seriously freaky deaky!

I spent the day at the endodontist, thinking I needed a root canal. Wrong. 

Once they got down in there, they were disturbed to find that not only was my tooth dead, but MY BODY WAS EATING THE DEAD TOOTH. 



Ew. I'm cannibalizing my own tooth. Just the one, since it's dead. Apparently, my body does not like clutter and is slowly getting rid of things it does not need. Am trying to convince it that the extra weight on my body is clutter, but so far, it's not listening. 

On the down side, if I left it in there and just let it dissolve, it would get confused and start eating my jawbone. Not cool, man. Not cool.

So, now I'm going to remove a kidney and sell it on Craig's List to pay for this upcoming implant surgery. I'm thinking the kidney removal will be more fun than the whole implant process, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Can't go through the rest of my life missing a major molar, methinks. 

I'm just kidding, I'm not really going to sell a kidney. That's silly. 

I'm going to sell a kid. 



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