That's the good thing about love, and the bad thing. It adds so much, but boy, do you feel it when you can't be with your loved one. At least he's somewhere safe, and not at war, or somewhere else where I'm worried about his safety or well-being. Thank goodness for that blessing.
I've got some flavor left, since I've got the kids with me. However, I noticed that once The Huz left, the quality of my writing--in fact, my general creativity, went down. I guess he is my inspiration, and I need my hunky muse near me to inspire better blog posts and better writing.
Which is why you've been getting limp posts. Oh, that, and I'm kwayzee busy!
So, here's your 80s sap song to see you out the door today, done up all tacky and such:
Dig those Spanish subtitles,
You are right, Love is the spice, and it's hard to go without once you have experienced it.