Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 339-The Comfort Zone

Are you one of those people that is really good at being uncomfortable? 

I'm not. 

I've been wearing Birkenstocks since I was 14, and some of my earliest memories are of hating the itchy green pantsuit my mom had me wear for some Sears portrait when I was three. 

I LOVE being comfortable. Which is why whenever I have to "dress up", I get panicky. Rarely can I find, and then afford, fantastically comfy fancy-pants clothes. 

Call me self-indulgent, but comfort is one of my priorities. Not emotional comfort. I can handle tough situations easily enough, I suppose. No, it's physical comfort I cherish more.

Which is why Restorative Exercise fits me like a fleece mitten. 

Comfy shoes, comfy in your standing postures, learning to be comfy in basic human positions that most of us modern folk couldn't get in and then stay in unless someone was holding a gun to our heads--the full squat, for example. 

It's all about being comfy in your body system. Sometimes, we get so used to how we are feeling that we forget what it felt like to be any other way. We squeeze into shoes that distort our musculo-skeletal & nervous system and call them "comfortable", when we really mean "I can tolerate these, they look hot!"

The other day, someone said to me "You are so CUTE in your Chuck Taylor sneakers! I just love that!"

Me, too. Cute AND comfy rules.

The other day, my 8-year old asked me what a corset was. When I explained it , she screwed up her face and said, "OW! That's not any fun! WHY would you do that?"

"To look like your waist is tiny, I suppose," I answered. 

"Seems dumb," she shrugged.

Sure does. 

Take care of yourself, 

1 comment:

  1. I remember the first time I went to a renaissance fair and I tried on a stiff leather corset. I remember stopping the assistant halfway. "I have abs and organs there!" I protested. He insisted it would fit. I was having none of it. "I don't want it to fit." I tried on a less drastic one instead. Those things LITERALLY rearrange your organs to cinch in your waist! Crazy. I do have a leather corset now, but it's soft and flexible and just looks hot, not unnatural or uncomfortable. :)
