Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 345-The Snags Ain't Gonna Kill Ya

It's been uncharacteristically DRY here in the Pacific Northwest for the past few days, and I've been taking advantage of it by strolling in the woods I love. Woods that are typically mud bogs when it rains, so it's been a pleasure. 

I was admiring the way the sun was smiling on some ferns and lighting up a spider's snare when I saw one of those cool, leggy, flappy flying bugs fly toward the web, bump into it and get temporarily snagged, and then shake itself loose and fly on. 

That made me smile like you wouldn't believe, because I got myself a loved one who is hitting some snags, and I wanted to let him know something. 

Life is full of snags, and they can catch us up and slow us down, but they rarely kill us. We just gotta, in the words of my dear mother, "Shake it off" and keep on you-know-what.

This too shall pass, 

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