Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 321-Spring Cleaning, All Year 'Round

The past few days, I've been feelin' BAD.

It could be the fact that I had an uncool reaction to some pain killers I was using after my oral surgery (wah-wuh!), or that I've been putting food that doesn't feel good in me, or that I've shortened my walks the past week due to a completely whacked-out schedule. 

Regardless, I'm lucky in that my body yells when it's unhappy and most of the time, I listen. 

It's yelling. 

Headache-y, nauseous, oogy, puffy and cranky. Blurry vision. What, am I havin' a stroke? 

Nope. I don't think so. This feels like I've got some garbage built up somewhere.
It's time to do some Spring cleaning. 
So, I revamped my menu plan, amped up the lemon water and regular water, threw in some liver support herbs, and started to recommit to longer walks-- today. 

Two-thirds through my walk, my head cleared, my nausea lessened, my vision sharpened. 

What up wit' dat?

Our lymphatic system is a super, and I do mean SUPER highway that carries waste products out of our system. It does this thankless job all the time, but it does it best when we are hydrated, breathing normally and walking. 

Yes, walking moves lymph through our bodies, enabling it to pick up the curbside trash cans that the other systems in our body have dragged out to the sidewalk. 

Sure, there are many other things we must do to keep this waste from building up, and I haven't been doing a bang-up job of that these past couple of weeks. 

As the crazy monkey in "The Lion King" whispers, "It is time."


1 comment:

  1. Most mornings I slice up some ginger and throw it in my pretty white corning thermos then fill with boiling water. A cup of this ten minutes later with a squeeze of lemon is my favorite hot drink. (In the winter a small splash of almond milk and some honey make it the perfect comfort drink on a cold night.) Thank you for reminding me of another reason why moving is so important. I mean, I knew this, but had forgotten how vital that super highway really is. Have a great day up there!
