Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 108-Prepare to be challenged!

Brrrr...this morning was jacket weather! I guess it's getting to be that time again. No more t-shirt walks for me for awhile, until October when we head to Mexico!

Putting on my jacket this morning reminded me of something I wanted to write about. It's something I often bring up with my clients and hula hoop students, but I'd like to put the bug in your ear and have you perhaps consider my pitch. 

Repetitive motion injuries. Makes you think of carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. Right? For some jobs, it's a given that you'll develop a repetitive motion injury. 
Sassy Milk-n-Pepsi-Drinkin' Factory Workers Get It...

Jewelers Get It...

Even Desk Dweebs and Writers Like Me Get It!

Even our hobbies can give us repetitive motion injuries. 

A repetitive motion injury is an injury to a part of the body that is caused by performing the same motion over and over again, thereby straining the body part. Okay, are you with me?

You brush your teeth, right? Hope so! Well, do you only do it with your dominant hand? Say, your right hand if you're a Rightie? 

Hold your arm up right now, pretending that you're brushing your teeth. Go through the motion of brushing. 

So, every morning and night, you are using your right (or left!) arm and hand in the same motion over and over. 

What do you imagine it does to your body? 

Well, since it's no real strain, you're not straining your muscles or joints. Unless you're out of alignment. But you ARE shortening the muscles in your arm when you brush. Just like lifting weights. You wouldn't go to the gym for 40 years and only do this with your right arm, would you?

What would that do to your body? Really throw you out of whack, huh?

Well, I challenge you to think about switching sides. (tee hee!) No, really, I want you to try very hard to brush with your dominant hand in the morning, and your other hand in the evening. 

Taking it a step further and employ your non-dominant hand in every possible situation. Stir the soup. Brush your hair. Open the car door. Put on eyeliner. Wipe your bottom. 

Yes, I said that. Try wiping your arse with your non-dominant hand. Not so cool now, are you? Butt, don't give up. Look at this as an opportunity to grow, to form new synapses in your brain and to BALANCE out your body. 

Don't even try the "I can't!" when it comes to wiping your rear with your weaker hand. Puh-lease. What would you do if you had your dominant hand in a cast? Call me? I don't think so. You'd figure it out. So figure it out now. Be proactive, not reactive.

These little tips I give you because I care? They cost you nothing, but the benefits are worth so much to you! You are using and stretching some parts of you, while giving other parts a well-deserved break. Studies show that these sorts of sensory challenges help build up those neural pathways, thereby helping stave off age-related decline--like Alzheimer's. 

I ask you, why wouldn't you?

Wash your hands well,

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 107-Are you in?

I have a question for you, dear friend. 

Have you started walking more as a result of reading this blog?

That's all. 

If you have, please shoot me an email me or comment on the blog about the habits you've acquired--or perhaps, ditched--since you've been reading WalkTheYear. 

Why am I asking? 

One, I hear things occasionally, and I like to know people are doing nice things for themselves. 

Two, I have no time to ruminate on the awesomeness of self-care, body alignment and walking today. 

Nice to meet you.

Show me the love.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 106-Quiz Time!

1.) What do these items have in common?

ANSWER: They are perfectly designed arches--tensile structures designed to bear weight without any support from underneath. 

If you believe you have flat arches, too high arches or arches that need support, think again. Your feet might be tired for a few days when you throw out arch support, but then your foot muscles and tendons get their act together, and do the job they were designed to do. 

Put your best foot forward, 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 105-Ozeri ALIVE!!



On Sunday, my beloved new Ozeri Pedometer broke. I had it in my pocket--one of its many cool features--and then sat down, and at some point in all my sitting/standing of a day running errands, the faceplate cracked. Rendering the LCD display unreadable. Darn little thing still counts steps, methinks. I just can't see how many! I think keeping it in the coin pocket of my Levi's was a bad idea.

Needless to report, I was heartbroken. The Huz, who had just received one as a gift, sweetly offered me his. However, I could tell that he was already smitten, so I couldn't take it away from him. 

Instead, I wrote Ozeri. I told them what happened, and how sad I was. I asked if they'd replace the faceplate or consider giving me a discount. 

Know what they did? Wrote me right back, and said that happy customers were their priority. 

You don't really hear that much these days. 

At least not sincerely. 

However, Venus, the customer service rep, asked if she could send me a replacement. This all happened in the space of a few hours. I kid you not.

Can you believe that? Do you know what I suggest you do? Instead of spending $10 on a pedometer, head over to Amazon and look at Ozeri's many offerings. They back up their products and their products kick ass. What else does a consumer need? 

Here's what My Fella sez about his Ozeri 4xRazor:

I've always liked the idea of having a pedometer, but every time I've tried one, they keep falling off, and are bulky. Oh, and cheesy. I like the options that this has, its sleep mode, it's accurate, doesn't do false starts. The size is great, and I like having options on how to wear it--on my belt, in my pocket, even with a neck lanyard. 

I'm a firm believer in giving business to those who deserve it, aren't you? 

See you tomorrow, 