Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 110--Yoda Feeds My Seoul

My friend, Yoda, is one of the wisest people I know. Sure, he's squishy, green and has bits of cotton-y wisps straggling about his round lil' noggin...but the dude knows his shit. 

For instance:

"No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

When I first heard this, I thought Yoda was wrong. Thought he meant "Better at this awesome you must be! No try, try again! Right do it the first time!"

But was Yoda wrong? No. My eyes were the crossed ones. 

(There, I just tried to make up a saying. Let's see if it catches on!)

Anyway, what it really means:

How often have we all said "I'll try" when asked to do something? But the fact is, either you will do it... or you won't. There really is no "trying", as Yoda has pointed out. Either you will pick up that spoon... or you won't. Either you will make that phone call... or you won't. Either you will learn that computer program... or you won't. There is no "in between" which "trying" implies. (taken from the site Inspirational Words of Wisdom)

So, the picking up of the spoon thing makes about as much sense as an empty bottle of hard cider (which is now sitting on my desk as I write), but the rest DOES make sense. 

I have walked 110 days in a row. So far, I'm in the "do" phase. There has been no "try". I'm just "do". 

My homie Yoda has some mad wisdom skills, indeed. Nike borrowed his wisdom--"Do it, just." And that's okay. It's worth pilfering. That's good stuff that should be shared. 

And if you haven't seen the Korean drummer who has given me a perpetual good feeling for the past 48 hours whenever I think of him, check him out:

           He makes his appearance at about 1:10, if you want to skip right to him.

He knows the secret of life. He's living it. 
