Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 130- If I Were a Rich Man, ya-dah-dee-da-dee-da...

A dear friend of mine once asked me:

What would you do, if money were no object?

I thought. I answered. And then she said:

Then perhaps, that's what you should be doing.

((crickets chirping))

"Oh", I finally replied. "I guess?"

It felt silly to counter that, well, money WAS an object and therefore, I could not pursue those things I wanted to pursue. Maybe if I was Richie Rich, I could do whatever the hell I wanted, but until then, one could only dream. So I nodded like I got it, and spouted like I got it. But I don't think I really got it.


That was 3 years ago. I've thought a lot about that question, and the resulting thought process. And I think I'm actually getting really close to believing her. To getting it.

No, I have not won the lottery. I think to win it, you actually have to buy tickets. Maybe I could do that more, but until then:

Every day, I have been asking myself that question that she asked me years ago. And my internal arguments about time, money, kids, other stuff, etc., have grown pretty pithy. 

What's it all really about? Sit in a quiet place, breathe, and ask yourself this question:

What would I do, if money were no object?

Listen closely and honestly to the answer.

You don't have to jump up, rub your eyes like a former blind man at a tent revival, and run out and do it. Well, if you do, COOL! Write or call sometime and let me know how it's working out for you. 

But if you open your eyes, and ponder that answer you gave yourself, you just might have the answer to a lot of things in your life. And as long as you're thinking about it now, you may just get on it later.

May the day bring something new your way, 

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