Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 109. Neuron Farming, Simplified.

Did you wipe your bottom with your non-dominant hand at all yesterday?

What'd you think?

Well, don't give up. I, myself, am a terribly determined individual, so once I saw what I flop I was with my left hand, I worked extra hard to get a clean sweep.

Now, I can wipe with both hands. Something to list on my resume, perhaps?

I have a new thing for you to practice when you don't feel like wiping your bottom for neural pathway development. 


This is something I learned when I became Lifetime Fitness Certified--it's basically learning how to help seniors get fit. But this cool thing I learned is to help keep the mind creating new neural pathways, and it works your brain like you wouldn't believe. 

I'm a wee bit short on time, so I will show you in pics. 

First, touch your index finger to your thumb on one hand, and your pinkie to thumb on the other. Like this:
Then, move your thumb to the next finger on each hand--so, your ring finger on one, your middle finger on the other. Like this:
Next, move your thumb to the next finger on each hand, your middle finger and ring finger, respectively. Like this:
Finally, move your thumb one last time, to your index and pinkie, respectively:

Whew! But don't stop! Go back the other direction now.


Please, do it again, but this time, speed up and continue the progression, up and down, up and down. 

Are you sweating yet?

How fast can you go?

This is actually an exercise to help create new neural pathways, much like brushing your teeth with different hands and awkwardly trying to clean your nether regions, but with less mess. 

This is a neato game you can play while you wait in line at the grocery store or the DMV, or sit through a redundant meeting. It gives you a really cool RainMan-esque aura and keeps people from standing too close, all while helping to build new neural pathways so that you remember where you parked the car and you don't forget who your husband is when you're 75. 

Can you believe the simple ways you can improve your health? 

Me, neither. But I do them anyway. 


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