How cool is that?
The walk was the best part of the day. When we got back to the campsite, we realized how much we really, really disliked the place. The Huz threw out the option of pulling up stakes, and heading back to Bainbridge Island for pizza and a movie. At first it seemed weird, leaving after less than 24 hours, after all the work of getting there. But then, it made more sense to salvage what was left of our weekend. Instead of sitting around at a slant with 60 other campers rubbing elbows with us as semi-trucks slammed their jake brakes, why shouldn't we change the direction?
Why not?
That's sort of how walking is.
Your day can be stinky. I mean, really stinky. Everything can be going exactly the way you don't want it to go. Sometimes, it feels like that momentum of poopiness will carry you through the rest of your day, until the whole thing ends in a stinky pile of "what a rotten day I've had!"
But a walk can change that direction. It can salvage a day. No one typically feels worse after a walk.
So, we salvaged it. We broke camp, and by 6 PM we were home, showered and watching a silly movie with a Campana's pizza in front of us. Today, we had a leisurely morning on our level floor, in our quiet neck of the woods, and then we went for a long walk filled with fruitful discussions.
If we were still sitting at an angle in that traffic jam of a campground, we'd be pissy and pissier. But we salvaged, we changed, we fixed. One simple move, one simple decision.
I wish you never have a bad day again, but the reality is, you probably will. Next time it happens, pull up stakes and get out the door. Walk until it's not just the scenery that has changed, but your viewpoint, as well. You will feel better.
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