Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 97- Trees would hug you back, if they could.

Have I talked with you about forest therapy yet?

Gazzam Lake = Heaven on Bainbridge

It's actually becoming accepted as part of health care plans by some providers in Japan. Forest therapy, or forest bathing as it's sometimes called, has been shown to increase immunities and decrease stress levels for regular users. 

Today, I felt seriously oogy when I awoke---sore, scratchy throat, slight fever. After a meander around Gazzam Lake, I feel perfectly fine. Was it the walk encouraging the lymph to remove waste from my body or the forest magic increasing my "natural killer cells" (a real thing!) to help fight off whatever germ had taken up residence in my body temple?
Don't forget to look up, too! Wow.

Who knows, and really, who cares? As long as I feel better and am healthy, you can tell me it was because you shook maracas over my head and I'm okay with that. It's the end result that matters, the proof that's in the pudding that makes me keep truckin' on and feeling positive.

Anyway, if you can, take a few minutes to read the above link, and learn about the studies done for forest therapy. If you don't need studies to prove things to your reasoning brain, then just go out for a walk in your neighborhood tree-place after dinner tonight, and see how you feel afterward. 
Lola was so overcome with the healing powers of the forest, she just went prone on the path for a few minutes.
What could it hurt? 

Tay-ay in da wee-end, 

1 comment:

  1. OMG was that a Nell quote? Thanks for the laugh on a Friday night :)
