Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 350-I'm MELTing, MELTing...

Thank goodness that it doesn't take vocal cords to get a good walk in, or I'd be blue. 

Still can't talk, but still can walk!

Looking forward to an upcoming exciting learning experience, starting tomorrow. For the next two days, I will be training with Sue Hitzmann, creator of the MELT Method, and I will walk away with a certification as a MELT Hand & Foot Instructor. 

Better than that, I'll be pocketing some serious knowledge on the fascinating web-like structure that holds all of us up (no, it's NOT your skeleton!) that is our Connective Tissue. 

I'm all about learning how to live fully, healthy and pain-free. I am living, breathing proof that horrible habits and incomplete knowledge can be overcome and patterns of pain can be reversed. I have become, in the terms Gil Hedley, a somanaut. An explorer of the body. 

I've been studying for this upcoming certification, and am excited. It's also a long two days, which means I'll still be getting my walk in, but possibly no fascinating blogging--unless I can't stand it and HAVE to share some cool hints with you. 

Here's a little intro video about Sue's work to send you on your way today:

Get out and walk, 

P.S. Day 350??? That means only 15 more days together, Poodle! :-(