Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 351-Somanauts, onward!

Can you tell I'm SUPER excited about the next two days? I LOVE learning new stuff, and this is especially exciting, because this is stuff I have used for quite some time now and know works. I'm geared up to be able to learn more about it, in-depth, and then turn around and share it with my friends, family and clients. 

Apparently, part of the class is watching Gil Hedley's fascia dissection videos. Cool! 

It's a long day, off my island in Seattle, and I've got things to do to get myself and the kidlets ready, so I leave you with another MELT tutorial, this time about an affliction that has plagued many of us, and ultimately how I learned about The MELT Method from my girlhood Bestie, Missus S.H. Fujiwara:

Yay, Sue!

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