Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 358-Different Priorities

Hello, Ladies and Germs, 

I'm sorry. I spent all day working on a presentation and teaching kids Hebrew and then barking at kids that were too distracted to learn Hebrew then polishing my presentation and realized that I FORGOT TO BLOG!

I will share my presentation with you next week, although I think it's the last day of Walk The Year when I present it. It's for this:


And you can see my crazee person interview from last year's Ignite Bainbridge, right here:

He's not me, but I should be in there after about a minute or so, looking like an enthused, NAY, Ignited Mental Case.

See you tomorrow, 

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting event! And you taking time to do this with everything else on your plate is a testament to your character. Looking forward to your presentation :)
