Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 4-Just Do the Thing

Last night, my husband was asking me about this blog. I hadn't talked about it all with him, but we ARE Facebook friends, so he was aware of it. After I explained the point of the blog, and the goal, he asked, "So, is there a distance every day you have to cover? Or, so much time walking per day?"

No. No rules. Just walk every day.

"So, could someone just walk out to their mailbox and call it good?" he half-joked.

I guess. If that's what constitutes a walk for them. Everybody has different thresholds, different levels. 

A couple of years ago, I went to NYC and trained in diastasis rehabilitation. It has helped me help many people with their back pain and pelvic floor issues, but one thing that has always bugged me about the prescription was the numbers. Too many reps. I believe I lost over half my pupils' attention once I let them know how many hundreds of reps they supposedly had to do every day to make their cores stronger. Very few people could stick with the program. So I started to pay attention to how many mattered, and I modified the program, making it more doable for everyone. And I learned something--the numbers don't add up, but the muscle movement does.

So now, when I teach something--anything--I tell people:

Don't worry about the numbers. The numbers don't matter. The thing matters. Just do the thing.

If you're not doing anything, and I tell you that you have to get up and out every day and walk 3 miles, it's going to sound awesome to you for about 3-5 days, and then you'll tell me to go to hell. I know.

BUT...if I tell you to get out and walk every day, just walk. However long you want. Then it's more likely you're going to do it. Because then you're doing something, which is better than nothing.

If you only did 20 bicep curls today, but you usually try and do 40, do you suck?

No way. You're still doing the thing. The universe doesn't really care about how many reps you do. It just wants the motion.

Don't worry about the numbers. Just do the thing.
Today our walk was only 35 minutes. And it was still lovely.

I hope you enjoyed your walk today. It's beautiful out there.


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