Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 156 & Day 157

The little boy who has to be extracted out of bed with tongs in the morning wants to get up and walk while on vacation in Puerto Vallarta. How can I duplicate this at home? 

Warmer mornings? Sunny skies? Who knows? It's just cool that he wants to come with us. At least sometimes. It's also mildly disconcerting that without makeup, I look exactly like my father and have funny marionette cheek lines. But I need to get over myself. 

They don't do Daylight Savings Time here, which is brilliant. We should really follow the circadian rhythms, and not mess with things. Truly, the day is longer with the no daylight savings time. It's great! It also means that at 7:30, it's still really dark when going out for a morning walk. Notice the cool headlamps that made every person on the road look at us like we were alien lifeforms. Or maybe it was my giant, silly fanny pack?

So yesterday, Day 157, boy slept in and The Huz and I went to the gym, pumped a little iron, then went for a walk in the sun--no headlamps required. Instead of leaving the resort, we took advantage of the miles of trails and pathways throughout the property. There are lagoons that house actual full-size ALLIGATORS:
which I have not yet seen, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I will blog about THAT if it happens. I sort of hope it does.

If you've never been to Puerto Vallarta, then you've never seen the Malecon. The Malecon is a boardwalk the extends the length of the downtown, it's filled with art and street performers, food vendors and tourists. But the main event is what residents of P.V. do every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. They walk. 

Yes, they walk for fun. For entertainment. They stroll along the Malecon, some are dressed up all fancy-like, some aren't (like me!), but the main weekend evening to-do is strolling. 

How cool is that?
Fit, fat and in-between, everybody's walking. Little kids, old people--it's awesome. Some people even walk in terrible high-heels, but they don't look so happy. They sort of totter along. 

Otherwise, it's a cool cultural activity. I like it, and am proud of Vallartans.
I've been forgetting to wear my pedometer, which is silly, because I'm sure I'm logging epic steps. 

Today, we're heading off to one of my favorite places in the 'verse: SAYULITA. Dogs, jewelry, beer, hippies, surfers, artists and dogs. I'll walk it all.

I'll tell you all about it later, 

1 comment:

  1. Hola Sayulita! I was there in March of 2007 - My sister wanted to go to surf camp before she turned 50, and my daughter and I tagged along; it was our half birthday (I had just turned 52 and she was 26)and we needed a vacation badly. We had lost Joey the Spring before (son, brother)and really need to find our muchness. We spent a week working our arms off in the water and walking walking walking everywhere! Oh the joy of eating large portions of guacamole knowing you had burned so many calories that day it really didn't make a dent. We plan to go back when my granddaughter is eleven, the age required for surf camp, and do it all over again. lol, I only have 8 years to get in shape! Glad you're having fun, good luck with the Alligator :)
