Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 169- A Horror Story

Disoriented, she stumbled through the house. She was looking for something...something...but she could not remember what she was supposed to do. She had spent her morning telling tales of terror to tiny tots, and convincing them to shove their hands into brains, intestines, and snotty boogers. After somehow finding her way home, she knew that there was a piece of the puzzle missing. But what? A chill crept up the back of her neck as she turned to to look out the window and saw what was waiting for her. Resigned, she knew what had to be done. Groping around in the dark closet, her hands found the thing she feared. Cold, clammy, and horrible. She gasped, as they crawled onto her toes:

the ice-cold, still-wet Monkey-Toe shoes from yesterday's rainy walk! The horror!

Ugh. Cold and icky. But, I walked. Here's a few nifty things you maybe didn't know about Halloween:

1) If you go trick-or-treating, it's another opportunity to walk. Unless you're part of one of those freakish families that drives door to door. I bet you're not. Now THAT'S scary. But, if you do go out and walk, that can make for TWO walks on Halloween. How special!

2) You do not have to put candy in your mouth just because it is Halloween. Why? I have a little secret I'll tell you: Candy is available in most stores 365 days of the year. You can have it anytime you want. Don't feel that you HAVE to eat candy, just because it is there. You can if you like, but you are not obligated. 

3) Dressing up is super fun, for both kids and adults. You are never too old to dress up. I dress up every year. Some people tell me how much they admire that, and inside I'm chortling, because it takes a great deal of self-discipline for me to not dress up the other 363 days of the year. Where'd that extra day go? Well, I'm Jewish, so we get to dress for Purim, too!! Haha!!!! Lucky me! Who sez you can't dress up, besides your own self? 

So, there you have it. I'm taking a Zombie Hunter and The Devil out tonight, to beg for candy in the freezing rain. I hope you have fun!

Happy Halloween!

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