Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 167-I'm baaa-AAAck!

Whoa, who turned down the thermostat??

It's not like I wasn't mentally prepared, but DANG! It's cold outside! 

We're back in the U.S.A., our two-weeks of Mexican heaven over and done. I'm a little blue, but I sure missed my mattress and my critters. After sleeping a decent night on the beloved ThermaRest, we took off for a late-morning walk to see how fall snuck in through the back door while we were away. 

It's lovely. 

Cold, but lovely.

We came back to some very happy pooches who were well-taken care of (thanks, LC!), and who loved walking with BOTH parents today. Here's some Ohmigoodness-I-thought-you-left-us-forever exuberance:

So...I know you've got a question in your mind, and I'm here to answer it:

Yes, I walked every single day whilst south of the border--sometimes in some pretty crazy, cool situations. I was just so reluctant to sit down and blog (with incredibly slow IntraWebs access and speed) when MEXICO was waiting outside for me. SO, I will spend the next day or so filling you in on the adventures of Days 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, and 166. 'Cause some cool stuff transpired...I want to share it with you. There are just a lot of photos to upload and a lot of travel writing to do. 

Missed you, 


1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're home safe and sound. Missed you too. Now regale us with stories :)
