Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 170-I'm walkin', yes indeed, I'm shoppin'...

I have a loved one who is not really a person that moves. At all. A few years ago, it was recommended that this person WALK for her health. She did not. When I gently harassed her as to why she did not follow the doctor's advice, she complained there were no places for her to walk. 


People are strange. 

I offered up "mall walking". She LOVES LOVES LOVES to shop, and I figured a mall walk would entice her to get moving, get mobile and gain some health. 

She never did, and now she's practically home-bound and immobile. Now she feels it's too late, so she's thrown in the towel. This breaks my heart.

I can tell you two things, Dear Walker:

1. It is NEVER too late. As long as you're breathing on your own, you can improve your situation, and

2. Mall walking is fun. 

I kid you not. 

Today was a weird day. I took my poodle to the neighboring giant center of commerce for his haircut, about 40 minutes away from my island. I had to kill three hours in that area. It was early. It was raining. I was dogless. So I decided to walk my talk (ha!) and go for a stroll in the Silverdale Mall. 

Let me offer up that I DESPISE malls. Don't like 'em, and don't like shopping. I've worn the same pair of jeans for 6 years until I saw a post with the picture of my rear end looking all saggy and stuff. Then I bought a new pair and it took me 5 minutes. No exaggeration. 

Ever since I spent the first few years of my working life in a mall, I've disliked them. No air, bad music, too many humans. 
MY uniform was even dorkier.

But today, I went BEFORE the mall opened. There were some mall-walking humans, and the music was still bad and there was no air. But I logged 2.5 miles in that mall this morning. 

I see the virtue of mall-walking for certain populations. The elderly, less-mobile, or more timid might benefit from the environment. 

There are no rocks or sidewalk bumps to trip over. It's climate-controlled. There are no barking dogs nor rushing cars. Birds can't poop on your head. And it's well-lit.

So, while I wouldn't do it everyday, if it's the only way a person will walk, then they should do it. That's all I have to say. Also, if you work in a mall, might as well take advantage of that time before work to log some movement.

Also, you might want to finish your walk before they all pull up their giant doors. I still was walking for 15 minutes after they all opened, and ended up feeling like I needed a plaid flannel shirt, boots, a pretzel, my watch repaired, a leather guitar strap, a velvet black-light poster and a push-up bra. 

Oh, I guess there are some hazards, after all. 


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