Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 181- Lordy, Lordy, My oh My--Why Your Heels Gots to Be So High?!

Yesterday was the halfway, or 6-month mark to complete my goal of walking 365 days in a row. 

Thank you, thank you very much. 

Also, yesterday was the first time in 6 months that I wore "regular" shoes--that is, shoes with a positive heel. Like these:

It was not good. Read Day 180 for details. 

Today's walk was 2 miles back on neutral ground. My body felt like a 1940s trans-Atlantic pilot--it wanted to kiss the ground! I've let my body get back to its natural movement patterns, and it likes it better. 

So, today, we're going to briefly discuss why your shoes--even your comfy, "healthy" tennis shoes, have a heel, or rise. 

A long, long time ago, when people were trying to sell more tennis shoes, they needed to come up with something that gave them an edge, so that all of us would want to buy more of their swoopy shoes *cough*Nike*cough.   

How to do this? Study how the foot moves. 

"Hey, Randy...I was noticing that this here guy's foot comes down and hits on the heel. Did you see that? Here, watch it in slow motion!"

"Whoa, Frankie--his heel HITS! That can't be good, right? Let's pad it! We'll  totally make developers of the week on this one!"

Okay, I wasn't there, this is conjecture. 

But we've been told for years that "heel strike" must be eliminated. Hence, the 2-3 inch lift on your athletic shoe, with all that padding. 

Have you watched a foot and how it's supposed to move? 

This skeleton still is not in alignment, as his feet turn out a bit and he's holding his arms with his palms facing to the back (okay, I'm getting a little picky), but I want you to watch the heels.  The foot was designed to have the heel hit, or STRIKE, first, then it rolls from the outside of the foot in and ends with the toes pushing off. 

The heel has to strike. It was designed to strike. It does not hurt your body to have it strike. It hurts your body more to push it out of alignment and then move--ever wonder why so many folks need knee replacements these days?

Repeat after me: It is okay to have a heel strike. It is not a bad thing, and I do not need to eliminate it. 


Go forth in your day,knowing that all those walking and athletic shoes you've bought were messing with your head and your body, and maybe it's time to break up. 



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