Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 191-Let's give thanks, alright?!?!?!?

I am thankful for my legs and muscles. 
I am thankful for my mobility.
I am thankful for my curious mind. 
I am thankful for my health, and the many chances the universe has given me to improve it.
I am thankful for my energy. 
I am thankful for my ability to be, well, thankful!
I am thankful for God.
I am thankful for my beautiful, wonderful, funny and true family. 
I am thankful for my friends. Especially my dearest, oldest friend who soon won't be so far away from me.
I am thankful for you, Dear Reader, who takes the time out of your day to read this silly little blog about being a healthier, happier person. I hope it has helped you some way, some how. I hope it has shown you that YOU are the one who will make the difference in the long run.
I am thankful that this is the only day of the year that I am compelled to eat Tofurkey. 

Eat well, love much, be happy, 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Dani, we're trying the Turkeyless roast from Trader Joes this year :)

  2. Happy thanksgiving to you, Miss Vail of Walkania! I hope your TJ's roast was better than the lump o' 'furkey.

  3. Ugh. Big decision this year - no more meat substitutes at the Holidays! Ever! While the SIL said it was fine - he had brownie points he was working on so I can't qualify his response. so I'm guessing that NO, mine was not better than yours. And lucky you I deleted the ranting.
