Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 189-Electricity, electricity...

Yesterday, our power went out for about 8 hours. It happens frequently on our little island, what with all the trees, all the wind and all the wet. We're used to it.

We've got candles, hurricane lanterns, a generator if need be, and stalwart natures. That works. 

You know what else works REALLY well, and what I think everyone should have? 

A headlamp! 

Yeah, you know it! The same one you use for your walks in the dark? Well, nothing's better than roaming around a power outage like a capable miner! 

Or, in our kids' cases, a capable minor. 

Seriously, go spend the $15 now to have one of these bad boys for your walks, for getting under a kitchen sink to fix the plumbing, for the next power outage, for camping. 

Ask for one for Hanukkah, for Christmas, for Kwanzaa, for your birthday--I don't care, just get one. You'll thank me later and you'll feel pretty clever when you need to take that early morning or late night walk for your health and sanity. 

It's easier to find some AAA batteries than it is to create electricity. 

Walk in a shuffle to create static electricity, 

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