Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 190-Hey, Good Lookin', Keep on Truckin'!!

Walking--the most natural form of movement--comes with a host of benefits. Better circulation, improved muscle tone, and weight control. I am so smitten with the results of my daily walks, so convinced of the benefit of this simple, easy movement THAT DOES NOT COST A THING, that I can't really see stopping once my 365 days in a row is finished. 

Want to know another benefit? 

Walking keeps you young. 

We sort of have the mindset that old people sit around, and that's just what you do when you're old---you stop moving. 

Not so, goofball!

Does it really matter that you live to be 100? I don't think so. What matters is that you live a healthy life, one of ease, independence and pain-free mobility. Eating blueberries, chia seeds and spinach is great, but all for naught if you lack natural human movement. Not kettlebells nor treadmills--just natural human movement. Walk. Reach. Climb. Squat. Sit on the ground. Stand up and bend down. Swing your arms loosely and be in your body. Really be in your body. Is it a happy place? If not, strive to make it so---you've got no other lodging to move to. 

I don't want you to live to be 100. My grandmother-in-law lived to be 107, but was wheelchair-bound for the last 6 years of her life. I want you to live a happy, mobile life where you can pick up what you drop, get out of your own chair, and walk to the corner store without fear of falling. 

You can start today, with the investment of $0. All you need is the knowledge that walking is the best exercise for you, and that you need to do it daily. 

Get a move on, 

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