Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 196--Focus Issues

I could write for hours about why kids (and adults!) today cannot focus, nor pay attention. You don't need me to point out things like media overload, the bizarre belief of new parents that they have to keep their child entertained 100% of the time, the entitled belief of those children, once-grown, that they deserve to be entertained 100% of the time...shall I go on?

Okay, I won't. You get it. And even though I'd love it if we all unplugged a little more, there's something simple you can add to your child's life to help them focus.

Remember how, when you were little, you learned that eating breakfast helps you pay attention in school?


There's a new study out, and although it began with the intention to prove the effect of eating breakfast AND lunch on pupils' ability to concentrate, it turned up a surprising finding:

Walking or biking to school improved the pupils' concentration up to 4 hours after they got to school. 

The study findings revealed that children who are driven to school, or those who took public transport, have lower scores in tests that measure concentration levels compared to those walked or cycled to school.

Whoa, dude!

If you don't move your body on the way to school, you'll be like "Whoa, dud!" instead, right?

Do you think this could apply to grown-ups, and work, as well? 


I like to move it, move it, 


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