Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 187- I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?

Rain, Rain
You're here to stay
It has been one long
Bright fall day

But now you're back
The skies are gray
And I know that you're 
Here to stay.

It has come the time, here in the Pacific Northwest, to start our long winter rains. A tip: Embrace it as you walk. 

Do not tense up, hunch over, shove your hands in your pockets and lean forward. Instead, walk upright, your shoulders down, your face up, your chest open and your lungs receptive. Unclench your teeth, unfurrow your brow and feel every drop as it graces your face.


It's going to rain anyway. How you deal with it makes all the difference in the world. Whether you're out on a 6-mile hike or going from your car to the grocery store, the way you walk in the rain can change a tense and annoyed experience into that of acceptance and gratitude for that rain. Like a thirsty plant receiving water, drink it up.

Your choice, 

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