Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 215-Short Report

Having funky reaction to antibiotics. Loading up on Kombucha, yogurt and sleep. Not feeling good. At all.

Took shortest walk in world today, thought I was going to throw up, turned around, came back home, task is done, see you on the sunrise tomorrow. 




  1. I'm guessing you have a mixed bag of friends & family, either encouraging you to not miss a day of walking, or to stay in bed and take care of yourself. Personally, I would much rather think of you snuggled up with some medicinal herbal tea and a fuzzy friend or two than out in icy rain when your immune system is low. I say walk twice another day,but only you know what you are capable of, and what you might regret later. In any case - stay warm and dry, I'm thinking about you <3

  2. You are too sweet. I've got a everyone telling me not to walk, actually, and even my sweet husband came home from running errands yesterday, when he found out I walked in the state I am in, got frustrated and asked "Can't I just be your pinch-hitter? Or, walker?"
    Today, I will find a mall and walk indoors. Thanks for the sweet thoughts.
