Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 269-Never The Same

I was listening to an interview on public radio yesterday. There is a fellow who had written a book about walking, and although I only caught the tail-end of the interview, I was struck by something the author said. 

The interviewer said, "I like walking, but I hate, I mean really HATE retracing my steps and walking the same way back, so I never walk unless I can get someone to pick me up."

Okay, I'm not gonna go into THAT, but the author said something like this, and I misquote: "You can walk back the same way you came, but you're not the same person, the weather may be different, you notice different things, maybe your footprints were blown over, or your vision and the lighting is different, so you really never walk the same path twice."

Frickin' genius. 

So there, 

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