Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 282-Be There Then

What do you call an epiphany that doesn't immediately make you feel evolved and excited?

An epoophany?

I had an epoophany this morning on my walk, and I was humbled by it. I'm sure later on I'll feel evolved and excited and spiritually lifted, but right now I am simply humbled.

The epoophany?

I strive to live as a Be Here Now person. A gal who lives in and relishes each moment, as best I can. 

Howevuh, I realized today, as I was reminding myself on my walk that I needed to change the Countdown to Daddy's Visit Poster, that since The Huz left for Big Sky Country, I have been living not in the moment, but in the distant future. 


Yes. Since My First, My Last, My Everything took off for Step One of moving us to Montana, I've been a calendar counter, a prison-wall-notch-mark-scratcher, an I-can't-freakin'-wait-until-March-15-yapper. 

What happened to Be Here Now, man?

Apparently, it's easier to live in the moment when the moment is pleasant, and less so when it is sad, gray and empty. 


There is a saying that if something is in front of you, it's a part of you. So, that means I need to seriously look at my current state of being, and busy myself with working through it and learning to live in a less-than-pleasant-moment. 

This will be a good personal challenge, and if you know me by now, you know that I love a good personal challenge. 

Like eating an entire pot roast or burping the alphabet. 

Metaphysical Hugs, 

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