Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 286-Viva Le Vivo!

Every Monday morning, I play guitar in a sing-a-long at my kids' school. It's a great way to start a week, and it keeps my fingers nimble. Plus, I just like singing happy songs. Who doesn't?

I play with a teacher, who also happens to be an accomplished musician and a super nice person. Today, I noticed he was wearing some shoes that were comfy looking. 
Vivo Barefoot "Dharma"

And by that, I mean they were neutral-heel, human body shoes.

So, after our "gig", I said, "Hey, what brand of shoes are those?"

He got a big ol' smile on his face, and said, "These shoes changed my life..." and I rudely interrupted with:

"Dude, I write a blog everyday about stuff like this, I bet I know exactly how they changed your life. But tell me anyway."

So he proceeds to tell me how he suffered from foot pain for years (and this is a guy who does not walk around in stilettos. No, he is a Merrill-wearing sort of fella. No Do-Me Pumps on this man. 

He suffers from foot pain, then he gets this neutral-heel shoe and the pain disappears. DISAPPEARS. 

So, without knowing why, he's hooked. And happy. Good enough. 

Then he goes to a snowy vacation, and after two days in regular man shoes (hiking boots), the vexing pain returns. 

Hmmmm. So he's even more hooked. I hope someday he lets me explain WHY his feet are happy. Maybe he would if I quit interrupting in my Know-It-All way that only appeals to the brain inside my skull, but to no one else. 

Anypoo, I checked out these Vivo shoes online, and they got some cute models! Go forth, and be healed. Not heeled. 


PS. You may look at the prices, like I did, and think "No Way! They're HOW MUCH?" Well, how much is your overall health worth? That's what I thought. You'd give anything to feel great all the time.



  1. I bought some Vivo Barefoot Jazz shoes and I want to issue one warning: If you have wide feet, these brands are not built to accommodate.

    Now I have a sad pair of $80 shoes I can't wear without causing immense pain to myself. That's what I get for ordering online!

    1. This is EXCELLENT information, thank you! I am sorry you can't wear those shoes---what size are they?
