Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 47-If a tree falls in the forest...

Today, I walked away from something, as I was walking to it. Isn't that weird? I had decided to leave a certain working situation, and was walking over to the office to get some of my more valued stuff out, and I got a lame email from the person I was leaving, asking me to leave. And I laughed out loud, thinking--No way! That's what I was thinking, too. Only I was going to do it in person, not by email.

It was a funny feeling, almost like being in fast-forward, but my walking speed was still the same. 

But then, after I got my stuff, I went for another walk, because I wanted that one to be more valuable. It was, and I feel unburdened by someone who felt like a freakin' albatross--a dysfunctional albatross--this past year. Like I just got a giant, hairy black mole cut off my cheek, and it feels good. 

See ya! So glad to not be ya!

And that's one more thing I like about walking. Transformative transportation---the only form. 

See you tomorrow, Punkin, 


  1. My patient, generous friend - anyone who would get on the bad side of you has to be a shmoe of the first water.

    Walk away quick! - Tracy Jo

  2. Oh, but I did, my dear friend. It felt right. Thank you for reading. Miss you tons.
