Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 314-Out of Egypt, Part I

Nice alignment, Moses!

Tonight begins Passover, my favorite holiday. 

It's about many things: spring, freedom from bondage, new beginnings and understanding old habits. 

And it's got matzah. 

I found some new gluten-free matzah this year, so I'm psyched. 

AND, I also had a serious ah-ha moment today---one of the biggest ones of my health-bettering career. Something that will deliver me from old habits and keep me on the road to freedom from pain and better movement. 

It's so cool. At least, for me. However, I am too darn busy cooking for Passover, so I can't share it with you until tomorrow or the next day. 

Let my people go, Man, 



  1. Replies
    1. And here's the benefit to reading the blog three years later. No responses to my comments, but no cliffhangers either!
