Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 231-This year, I'll...

Big, big changes will happen this year. 

To me, to you. 

What will they be? 

Some we think we can predict, and others might throw us for a loop. 

Sh*t happens, both spectacular and soul-grinding. 

And no matter what, there's little we can do about what will visit us in 2013. You may think you're in control, but truly, it is the illusion of control.

Nuthin' you can do about what's gonna be knocking on your door.

Feel hopeless and helpless? 

No need. 

Because there is something you can do about the gremlins and gifts that get dropped into your life:

You call the shots as to how you behave. How you react, and how you deal with things is the only control you have in the universe. 

Otherwise, it's just one big snow globe, and you've got no power over the giant hand that might decide to pick it up and shake it. 

So use the power you've got, and hold your head high as the storm swirls around you. And when the seas are calm, don't be a dummy. Use your power to remind yourself how lucky you really are. That way, when the snow flurries and clouds your vision, you have the touchstone of perspective to see you through. 

And that is my wish for the New Year for you and yours. 


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