Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 240- Motivation to Move

I don't talk pointedly about motivation in this blog (I think), but I do talk about other things, like butts, feet, pelvic alignment and zombies.

I've been walking the past 3 days sans poochies, and they turned feral on me. 

So, today, even though it was 30 degrees, my motivation to get that walk in early looked like this:

So much pent-up energy, they went nuclear on me.
Yeah, yeah, I walked every day for the past 240 days, but sometimes, it's not about me. 

Har! Yes, it is. But the dogs definitely benefit when I include them!

Have you ever sat down and listed your reasons, or motivation, for making changes in your life?

Like, could you list 10 reasons why you want to make one change?

Or changes?

Remember how S.M.A.R.T. goals work? The "S" in S.M.A.R.T. was for specific. Could you would you on a train, list some goals and make them plain? 

Today, set one goal--could be big, could be small--and then try and write 10 reasons why you would want to accomplish that goal. 

Chances are, if you've got more reasons as your motivation, and you keep them in mind, in front of you, then when the urge to throw in the towel comes over you (as is does with everyone), you could refer to this list and remember the whys of your efforts.

Why not?

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