Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 261-You may need a running start...

I often pass the early morning bus that used to start my husband on his daily commute to his corporate gig. A commute that took up over 3 hours of his day. 

3 hours. Think about it. Well, he did. He also did the math once we'd decided to make our move and learned that his commute added up to a total of 30 days a year. 

30 days. Think about that. Well, he did! One month a year, commuting to a job he didn't love, for 12 years. 


I've heard it said that you should work where you live, not live where you work. That means, don't live in a place or not take the adventure you desire because you have a gig that pays the bills. Not if you don't adore that gig.

I'm proud of my fella for taking that leap, and being okay with making less bread so that he could have more time with his family and maybe even have hobbies (gasp!) and live in a place he wanted to try living in. To sort of redefine himself in a different space.

It is scary to leave what we know, where we feel safe, and take that leap into the unknown. I am a person of high-faith, actually unshakable faith. I'm lucky that way. I know that a person can always land on their feet, even if they fall or stumble at first. I know that things like shelter, finances and social standing are transient things. they come, they go, but you? You remain. As John Lennon sang:

 "Hold on to your head, you don't take nothin' with you but your soul."

Another favorite quote I have posted is by Anne LaMott, and maybe I've even pulled this one out for you once already. (Forgive me.)

"How we spend our days is indeed how we live our lives."

Can't argue with that. It's just a fact. 

Do you have a leap you want to take? It doesn't have to be huge or involve a geographical change, but know in your heart that you will reach the other side.

I'll be there waiting for you, 

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