Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 22 - Present

So many things run across the road when I walk early in the morning! Coyotes, deer, racoons, rats. They dash from the bushes on one side and skitter, lope, or waddle across my path to the other side. The other day, a momma duck and her fat ducklings trucked across the road, and I was so caught up in it that I forgot to reach for the camera in my pocket. Today it was a raccoon parent and kid. Skitter, scuttle, dive!--and they're gone. 

Then I feel sort of bad that I didn't get the picture for the blog. 

You know what, though? That's okay. Because if I futzed around with the camera, I'd be slightly removed from that moment. The viewfinder would be between me and whatever wondrous, exciting, delightful thing was happening right then. 

I'm usually not one of those parents that spends an entire school play or kid's presentation holding up a video camera, because it would detract from my own enjoyment and experience of the event.I just want to be there and remember it. 

No pictures for my blog, but pictures in my mind. 

Which is why you're getting this lovely early morning moon photo.
We didn't get to see the transit of Venus across the sun yesterday, because there are too many clouds here. Just liked we missed the eclipse. But that's okay, but now is now, and I got to enjoy the moon this morning. 

I hope you have a Be Here Now moment in your day, today. 

Best walkies, 

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